Alexandra Savior


It all started with a feeling of relief. Just after midnight on New Years Eve, Alexandra Savior, who was six months out of a rocky relationship and appreciating her independence, sat down and wrote the song that would become “Crying All the Time.” The melodic, heart-rending ballad, she says, “is about how it feels to be in a relationship with a person who’s disappointed in you,” but it’s also a clarion call announcing the arrival of her sophomore album, The Archer, out DATETK. The dreamy, melancholy song, the first single from The Archer, feels at once classic and contemporary; it’s a torch song for a new generation.

” There’s depression and there’s heartbreak Savior says of the album’s themes, which play out over 10 haunting tracks. “But each song represents a different emotional state. I tried to project some sort of strength; I wrote during a time when I was a young woman growing into my identity and developing my confidence, and I hope that comes through.”

Her message gets across loud and clear. Tracks like “Crying All the Time” and “Saving Grace” are big songs—ambitious and atmospheric—that put Savior’s ethereal voice and sharp writing on display. “It came … [FULL BIO]