Kills Birds


More than any young American rock band, Kills Birds approach their songs with an intensity that’s so tangible it feels like the stakes are near life and death. Fronted by Nina Ljeti, a Bosnian-Canadian filmmaker the Los Angeles Times called “L.A.'s most electrifying new rock singer,” their performances are visceral and cathartic, with guitarist Jacob Loeb’s blistering riffs and Fielder Thomas’ pummeling basslines. While 2019’s Kills Birds was a debut that captured the promise of their grunge-inspired sound and Ljeti’s unflinching lyrics, Married, their follow-up is a triumphant representation of everything that makes them so thrilling. It’s a document of a band pushing their musical chemistry to new heights.

Kills Birds formed in 2017 as a songwriting outlet for Ljeti and Loeb’s budding friendship. While the project started out as a casual collaboration, they truly found a spark when they began writing louder, more emotionally biting material. This dynamic became the core of Kills Birds’ writing process with Loeb interpreting Ljeti’s words into hard-edged compositions. They enlisted Thomas along with drummer Bosh Rothman to round out the group with early songs like “High,” “Ow,” and “Worthy Girl” making up their first full-length Kills Birds. [READ MORE]