Amanda Palmer


Amanda Palmer cannot be defined and yet she is the very definition of an artist who is supremely gifted in a number of disciplines: Singer. Songwriter. Filmmaker. Director. Playwright. Author. Pianist. Ukulele-enthusiast. Since first stepping out onto the world stage as a solo recording artist over a decade ago with WHO KILLED AMANDA PALMER in 2008, she has simultaneously embraced and exploded traditional frameworks of music, art and theatre. Her work is marked by a starkly bold autonomy, a musical approach that defies categorization, and an incredibly profound alliance with her global network of fans which has grown and strengthened over nearly two decades of in-person and online connection.

Born in New York City and raised mostly in Lexington, Massachusetts, Palmer studied experimental music at Wesleyan University where she graduated in 1998 with a degree in German Studies. After dropping out of a graduate program at Heidelberg University, her passion for street theatre saw her return to Cambridge, MA to become The Eight Foot Bride, where she busked as a living statue in full wedding regalia. In her early twenties she also worked as a stripper, art-party curator, barista, naming-and-branding consultant for dot-com companies, and dominatrix...all while honing her songwriting craft. She wrote and directed several plays and street happenings, but her deeper commitment to music led her to unite with drummer/multi-instrumentalist Brian Viglione as The Dresden Dolls in 2000. [FULL BIO]