Julia Pratt
Julia Pratt understands the bond that binds us to our family. Chosen or blood. And if you’re willing to take the first step, your experience could be the perfect bridge for connection. “The world is full of painful, beautiful experiences, and I share them to heal myself, to build connection, to fight the loneliness,” singer-songwriter Julia Pratt says with a knowing smile. On the 23-year-old’s new EP, Pratt dissects her own heart, her complicated relationship with her father, her experience as a woman of color in America, and lays it all bare on the operating table in the hopes that you’ll feel the courage to do the same.
Pratt’s experience as a woman of color plays into the EP’s wary eye to the past. Between not feeling Black enough for her mom’s side of the family or white enough for parts of Southern culture, Pratt’s youth was full of a questioning and internal conflict—what surely must have been a terrible weight to carry, but manifests in the EP’s powerful self-inspection and her present conviction of identity.
Over the course of the upcoming EP’s five tracks, she explores pains and memories without ever wallowing, instead propelling Pratt’s innermost feelings into captivating slices of musical catharsis. “I'm at a place now where I'm okay with who I am,” she says. “You can claim me or not claim me, but I'm here.” And with enough time spent with this inspirational and thrilling EP, listeners might just be able to reach that same conviction.

Madi Florence