L.C. Franke


Inspired by the savoir-faire of artists like Frank Sinatra, Scott Walker, and Ella Fitzgerald, Still In Bloom sees L.C. Franke building a bridge between 20th-century nostalgia and post-millennial alienation, his barstool croon smoldering against a backdrop of woodwind trills and string quartet swells. In a previous life, L.C. Franke was known as Jeff Klein, an Austin-by-way-of-New York indie rocker who spent the better part of his youth garnering widespread acclaim as a solo artist, as a collaborator with countless other songwriters, and as frontman of the Southern gothic soul outfit My Jerusalem. But by 2017, Franke had hit a wall. Feeling lost and jaded, his mental health teetering, he decided to take a year off and reassess.

 That hiatus turned indefinite with the pandemic and Franke found himself suddenly isolated and adrift, unsure whether he would ever get back to who he was. But then he realized, perhaps he didn’t want to. The opportunity for reinvention presented itself when his friend, the Bessie Award-winning dancer Melissa Toogood, asked him to compose the score for her performance with the Boston Ballet. Franke bought a Mellotron and began noodling around with the sounds of flutes, clarinets, and strings.

 As he explored, Franke sat down at the piano and wrote “You and Me and Us Against the World,” the song that would become the lodestar for his new musical approach. The music brought him back to his roots – all those Brooklyn and Fort Lauderdale summers spent with his grandmother, Elsie Franke, losing himself in her dusty record collection filled with golden greats like Glen Miller, Blossom Dearie, and Jimmy Durante. In this music of his past, he saw a future. Borrowing inspiration from his grandmother’s records, and paying homage to her with his name, L.C. Franke was born.



Ken Weinstein
Big Hassle Media

Fia Kaminski